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What to See If You are looking for Your Auto Fix
Around the world, people have different perceptions regarding auto parts. There are a lot of auto owners who do not have a clear idea about whether they should buy original parts or 3rd-party car parts. If your car needs any kind of replacement in car electronics, car lights, exterior accessories, interior accessories, then you should be very much clear about everything. This article will give you valuable knowledge about auto replacement parts.
Car Parts Catalogue
In general, auto replacement parts are of 3 major types that include genuine, aftermarket parts, and OEM. But, auto parts have some other types as well: rebuilt, used parts, and refurbished. It is very good to have complete knowledge of these types. This article will give you in-depth knowledge about them.
Genuine Car Parts
The very first type is the genuine car parts that consist of original auto components. These parts are already there in your brand new car. As these are genuine parts so they are very expensive. Hence, people feel pride in having genuine car parts. This thing makes them feel above others. There is one more thing important to keep in your mind about the genuine parts is that they are actually manufactured by some other auto company.
OEM Parts
OEM stands for Original Equipment Manufacturer. These parts are actually made just like the genuine car parts. Most importantly, the OEM also has the stamp of approval by the car maker. There are so many people who say that these OEM parts are better than the genuine car parts as they are less expensive.
Aftermarket Car Parts
OEM as well as Aftermarket car parts are both very good. They are just like genuine car parts. But, these parts are manufactured by other companies. They are not made by the original company. Those companies that are making the aftermarket parts actually get the rights in order to make car parts for the car brands. Although, these parts do not look exactly the same like genuine and OEM car parts, but it is true that they perform exactly the same as the original ones do.
Some Other Types of Parts
Rebuilt Parts
This type of part is in real terms an already used car part. This type of car part is completely dismantled & then fitted again with the new components. Later, the rebuilt part is tested so the guarantee is issued that this would work as a brand-new part. Such kind of parts work great and they last long as well.
Refurbished Parts
Such kind of parts is totally different from the rebuilt car parts. These are treated even before their use. These are the used parts which are not dismantled. They are just cleaned and a bit modification is done.
Used Parts
The used parts are also known as recycled parts. These car parts are not as much expensive as the above-mentioned parts. They are perfect for the replacement of those car components which usually do not break too quickly.
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